Generalhow to add a new package to Texniccenter

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how to add a new package to Texniccenter

Post by pandu_raman »

how do i install a new package to Texniccenter. i want to include natbibspacing package but i get an error natbibspacing.sty not found. how do i import this package into texniccenter

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Re: how to add a new package to Texniccenter

Post by olivares14031 »

Download it from here: ... pacing.sty

Copy it to your working directory and it should work. :D
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how to add a new package to Texniccenter

Post by localghost »

pandu_raman wrote:how do i install a new package to Texniccenter. i want to include natbibspacing package but i get an error natbibspacing.sty not found. how do i import this package into texniccenter
The easiest way would be to place the STY file right in the same directory where you have the source code of your document. You then only need to include in the preamble.

Code: Select all

Packages are not added to TeXnicCenter itself, but to your LaTeX distribution. Since you are using Windows, I assume that your distribution is MiKTeX. You can place the STY in a directory inside the texmf tree.

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\tex\latex
The path on your system should look very similar and should be easy to find. Create a new directory for the package where you copy it to.

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\tex\latex\natbibspacing
Put the STY file in that directory and refresh the file name data base via MiKTeX Options (Start > Programs > MiKTeX > Settings) or open a console (command prompt) and type in a command to do that.

Code: Select all

Now your system knows that the package is aboard and can find it whenever it is needed. You can simply include it to your document as described above.

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Re: how to add a new package to Texniccenter

Post by pandu_raman »

Dear Thorsten

Thanks for that really informative reply. i did as u said and everything worked very fine. Thanks again
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