Document Classestoc lines overflow page---custom thesis class problem

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toc lines overflow page---custom thesis class problem

Post by SmithWillSuffice »

I wonder if any experts can help me fix a class definition. It is based on 'book.cls', but I had to make a number of hacks and kludges to get the output to conform with my university thesis style guidelines. The main problem presently is that somehow the TOC, LOF, and LOT entries do not wrap correctly, they seem to be in LR mode and run off the page. I think this is because of how I redefined the toc, lof, lot commands because the problem occurs in all of these tables, and the section, figure, and table titles seem to wrap correctly in the main text.

Attached is the 'lsuthesis_href.cls' class that I'm using, most of the changes to 'book.cls' are in the second half of the file. There are some weird things going on that I wrote to get the spacings and toc contents and other things working with the hyperref package, but I've exceeded my TeX competence and short of trial and error I can't see how to debug this class.

Any helps or hints would be appreciated.
LSU thesis class, customized for LSU thesis guidelines and compatibility with hyperref. The TOC, LOF, LOT formatting is bad.
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Re: toc lines overflow page---custom thesis class problem

Post by balfonsi »

Why not use the titletoc package? It lets you entirely customize your tocs, lots, lofs and perhaps does not have the same problems, as it doesn't redefine the commands to obtain them, but defines new ones.

Best regards,

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Re: toc lines overflow page---custom thesis class problem

Post by wladek »

I am not sure, but the feature may be due to hyperref package. Try the following
in preamble: \hypersetup{breaklinks=true}. By default the option is switched-off.

Best regards,

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Re: toc lines overflow page---custom thesis class problem

Post by SmithWillSuffice »

Thanks wladek,

In fact I figured this out soon after posting, I forgot to send a post to answer my own question, sorry.
It was indeed the hyperref package that was offending and breaklinks=true was the solution. :)
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