Document Classesharvard | Distance between two Bibliography Items

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harvard | Distance between two Bibliography Items

Post by bkarpuz »

Hi LC members,

I am using harvard package, but I am not happy with the distance between the two bibliography items.
Is it possible to shorten the distance (shown in the figure)?

Thank you.
ref.JPG (26.52 KiB) Viewed 2283 times

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Posts: 124
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harvard | Distance between two Bibliography Items

Post by bkarpuz »

bkarpuz wrote:Hi LC members,

I am using harvard package, but I am not happy with the distance between the two bibliography items.
Is it possible to shorten the distance (shown in the figure)?

Thank you.
This worked fine.

Code: Select all


\harvarditem{Ladas, Sficas}{1986}{MR0860851}
\newblock \textbf{Ladas, G.} ve \textbf{Sficas, Y.G.}, 1986,
\newblock \textquotedblleft Oscillations of neutral delay differential equations\textquotedblright,
\newblock Canad. Math. Bull., vol.~29, pp.~438--445.

\vspace*{-0.65em} %This works fine.

\newblock \textbf{Ladas, G.}, 1990,
\newblock \textquotedblleft Explicit conditions for the oscillation of difference equations\textquotedblright,
\newblock J. Math. Anal. Appl., vol.~153, pp.~276--287.

But is it possible to merge this in preambles with harvard package?

Thank you very much.
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