Does anyone have experience setting the source window colours in texshop? I tried all the hidden options, like:
defaults write TeXShop foreground_G 0.8
defaults write TeXShop foreground_R 0.4
defaults write TeXShop foreground_B 1.0
but --for some reason-- still end up with black foreground text. Tried restarting etc. Even tried to read the values (defaults read...) and got exactly the values I gave. But the source window still yields these hideous black letters. Since I have a blue background, this is rather ugly.
Problems started after updating to version 2.0.
TeXShop ⇒ Text colour in texshop tex source window
Re: Text colour in texshop tex source window
I had the same problem. No difficulty changing the background color, the window opacity, or the color of the commands, comments, and markers. But for some reason I can't seem to change the default text color in the source window. For a short-term fix in TeXShop 2.14, you can go into the TeXShop Preferences and follow this weird procedure:
1. Click the "Set ..." button for Document Font.
2. Click the Text Color button (a "T" with a lime rectangle to the right of it).
3. [This is the weird bit.] Click the "OK" button in the TeXShop Preferences window without closing the Text Colors window.
4. Choose a color in the Text Colors window.
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to save the text color settings -- whenever you restart TeXShop it returns to black text. Alas!
1. Click the "Set ..." button for Document Font.
2. Click the Text Color button (a "T" with a lime rectangle to the right of it).
3. [This is the weird bit.] Click the "OK" button in the TeXShop Preferences window without closing the Text Colors window.
4. Choose a color in the Text Colors window.
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to save the text color settings -- whenever you restart TeXShop it returns to black text. Alas!