last night I installed syntax highlighting for code in our forum posts. The default language is LaTeX, so all code pieces in our now more than 56.000 posts will show syntax highlighting.
Code: Select all
% Eight bullets arranged in a circle, some with letters next to it
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={node distance=2ex}]
\foreach \i in {1,...,8}% a for loop
\node (\i) at (45*\i:1.6) {\textbullet};% nodes with names 1, ..., 8
\node[right of=1] {L};
\node[right of=2] {T};
\node[right of=3] {X};
Code: Select all
% Eight bullets arranged in a circle, some with letters next to it
\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={node distance=2ex}]
\foreach \i in {1,...,8}% a for loop
\node (\i) at (45*\i:1.6) {\textbullet};% nodes with names 1, ..., 8
\node[right of=1] {L};
\node[right of=2] {T};
\node[right of=3] {X};
So I even stronger recommend using the Code button for posting code instead of just writing as it was normal text. The result is much nicer.