Because I'm always adding figures to different parts and I can't go over the whole thing changing the float options, what I want to do is to make figures float on top OR bottom of the page, doesn't matter which. But I want to make LaTeX decide about which one. For example in a page where there is one figure at the top, I want the next figure to float on the bottom. Is there a way to do so?
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for the response. I don't think it's working though. That or Latex is really stupid in deciding where the pictures should be . Is there an alternative?
do you just think that? Or did you actually test it? Perhaps show with an example that it doesn't work for you. You could create such a small example by reducing a copy of your document.
Siavash wrote:Is there an alternative?
There are internal parameters for fine tuning floating. But dealing with those values is not meaningful until it's solved why the float positioning arguments t and b don't work for you as they should.
do you just think that? Or did you actually test it? Perhaps show with an example that it doesn't work for you. You could create such a small example by reducing a copy of your document.
On some instances, a picture is place right after the other one both on the top of the page, and the text begins from the next line. So I guess it's trying to float them both on top position.