Graphics, Figures & TablesGrouping colored Floats for Offset-printing (Imposition)

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Grouping colored Floats for Offset-printing (Imposition)

Post by victorclaessen »


I will soon be printing a thesis containing a substantial number of colour figures. The printer company uses offset printing, and prints sixteen B5 pages on one large sheet of paper, after which it is folded into a section and then cut.

One sheet of paper contains sixteen pages, eight on the front (in two rows of four) and eight on the back. The printer prints each side (8 pages) either in black only or in full colour. The bill of course reflects the number of full colour pages.

In order to minimize the bill, I would like to group the colour images according to the imposition ( scheme of the printer. Actually, the image on that wikipedia page is probably exactly how my printer does it.

I am wondering if there is any way to tell latex to have images on pages 2,3,6,7,10,11,14,15 and not on the other pages (between 1-16), so one side can be full colour and the other side can be printed in black only.

Any thoughts on this?

Best regards,


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Re: Grouping colored Floats for Offset-printing (Imposition)

Post by victorclaessen »

Well I suppose it if was possible, someone would have suggested something by now. Myth busted, I guess.
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