BibTeX, biblatex and biberTelling Bibtex not to sort alphabetically

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Telling Bibtex not to sort alphabetically

Post by jeffry01 »


I'm using \bibliographystyle{plain} which automatically sorts the bibliography by the first author's lastname alphabetically. As a result when I read the chapter, the intex-citation number doesn't start by [1], [2],... as it should be, but appears orderlessly e.g.[12], [8],... according to the alphabetical order.

Is it possible to tell Bibtex NOT to sort the bibliography but follow the order as written in the bibfile? In other words, the first entry in the bibfile should be assigned [1], the second entry [2] and so on.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


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Re: Telling Bibtex not to sort alphabetically

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

Not using \bibliographystyle{plain} is the answer. If you want similar formatting but in citation order, use \bibliographystyle{unsrt}. There are a bunch of other built-in styles to choose from, or you can create your own by running "latex makebst".
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Re: Telling Bibtex not to sort alphabetically

Post by jeffry01 »

Danke schön! Kaiserkarl13
You made it so simple!
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