I am relatively new to LaTeX and I've been reading posts on how to make a nomenclature and followed the steps required to generate the .glo and .gls files, however i have the following errors that shows up:
Code: Select all
This is makeindex, version 2.15 [MiKTeX 2.9] (kpathsea + Thai support).
Scanning style file E:/TeX_USB/USBTeX-1.6/programs/MiKTeX_2.9/makeindex/nomencl/nomencl.ist.......
** Input style error (file = E:/TeX_USB/USBTeX-1.6/programs/MiKTeX_2.9/makeindex/nomencl/nomencl.ist, line = 70):
-- Unknown specifier lethead_prefix.
** Input style error (file = E:/TeX_USB/USBTeX-1.6/programs/MiKTeX_2.9/makeindex/nomencl/nomencl.ist, line = 71):
-- Unknown specifier lethead_suffix.
** Input style error (file = E:/TeX_USB/USBTeX-1.6/programs/MiKTeX_2.9/makeindex/nomencl/nomencl.ist, line = 72):
-- Unknown specifier lethead_flag.
...done (10 attributes redefined, 3 ignored).
Scanning input file Main_Body_3.glo...
!! Input index error (file = Main_Body_3.glo, line = 1):
-- Unknown index keyword \glossaryentry.
done (0 entries accepted, 1 rejected).
Nothing written in Main_Body_3.gls.
Transcript written in Main_Body_3.ilg.
Thank you.