Fonts & Character SetsBook Antiqua

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Book Antiqua

Post by abod »


I want to write my Latex document in Book Antiqua, the font in MS word. How can I do it ?

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Book Antiqua

Post by localghost »

Book Antigua is only an imitation of Palatino. LaTeX gives you easy access to Palatino with the mathpazo package. An alternative could be the pxfonts package.

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Re: Book Antiqua

Post by abod »

Thank you Thorsten,

I am new in Latex, I need some more explanation.
Could you please provide me what should I do in Ctan? which file I need to download? after downloading how to include the file in my tex document?

\usepackage{package_name} but how specify the Book Antinqua?

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Book Antiqua

Post by localghost »

As already mentioned, there is no direct access to Book Antigua for LaTeX. But you can use the original Palatino type face. Consider the following example.

Code: Select all

\usepackage{pxfonts}  % Postscript Type 1 font in Palatino style


Depending on your LaTeX distribution, missing packages may be installed automatically. Otherwise start the package manager of your LaTeX system install them subsequently.

More information about packages and their manuals can be found on CTAN.
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Re: Book Antiqua

Post by Drkazmer »


I would like to use the Antiqua typeface that can be seen here:
For me it seems to be an ancient stuff, and I can't really get grips with it. I copied the files to the folders, but it doesn't seem to be enough. I use MikTeX 2.9 (64 bit) and Win7 (64 bit), and I'm not really an expert in this. Thank You in advance!
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