Fonts & Character Setswasysym | Bold faced Greek Letters

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wasysym | Bold faced Greek Letters

Post by zandjelk »

Usually I manage to find a solution in different forums, but this one is stubborn...

The description is quite simple:
  1. I need the diameter symbol, so I use \diameter with the wasysym package
  2. I need boldface greek letters, so I use \boldsymbol command (probably as a part of the amsmath package which I use all the time)
Independently they both work fine. However, together I get the following warning:
"LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `U/wasy/b/n' in size <8> not available
(Font) Font shape `U/wasy/m/n' tried instead on input line 308."
and the boldface greek letter is of course not printed bold, but normal. If I comment out the wasysym package it manages without any problems. Strange, I do not even know how a package can influence something completely unrelated like in this case.

Any ideas?

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wasysym | Bold faced Greek Letters

Post by Frits »

If you only called the wasysym package for the diameter symbol this might be just as good:

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$\varnothing \boldsymbol\alpha$ 
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Re: wasysym | Bold faced Greek Letters

Post by zandjelk »

Yes, I did call wasysym only for the diameter symbol. And as long as I am concerned the solution you suggested is just fine (btw. I didn't think of it, so thanks :) ). But I am writing a work which should be published, and the diameter symbol \diameter should be distinct from the empty set symbol \varnothing (or \oslash which is even worse).
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wasysym | Bold faced Greek Letters

Post by localghost »

You could compose your own symbol out of two others.

Code: Select all



But I'm afraid that both versions won't satisfy you.

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Re: wasysym | Bold faced Greek Letters

Post by zandjelk »

You are right, they do not really satisfy... I will probably just use \varnothing or \diameter with the MnSymbol package (which should be the same), and ignore the fact that it is the same as the empty set symbol (which I do not use at the moment).

What I still do not get is why wasysym messes up fonts for completely unrelated bold greek letters. Does it make sense to look for another way to typeset those letters?

If anybody comes up with something, please post. I do not need to submit for another month or so, so there is enough time. Thanks for help!
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wasysym | Bold faced Greek Letters

Post by localghost »

zandjelk wrote:[…] What I still do not get is why wasysym messes up fonts for completely unrelated bold greek letters. Does it make sense to look for another way to typeset those letters? […]
That's a questions which probably can only be answered by the package maintainer.
zandjelk wrote:[…] If anybody comes up with something, please post. I do not need to submit for another month or so, so there is enough time. […]
Take the bm package as alternative.

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