Math & ScienceChemical Equations

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Chemical Equations

Post by ElleSaf61 »

I have problem with using chemical equations along with math ones. I use following in my main LaTeX file (of course I have several other packages in my preamble).

Code: Select all

And in chapter1 file I have

Code: Select all

\chapter{Chapter one}
  e^{\pi i} + 1 = 0
  \text{CO}_2 + \text{C}  \longrightarrow 2\text{CO}
LaTeX keeps sending me warnings. By adding any equation the number of warning increases. I do not know what should I do. Any help appreciated.
BTW, there is no problem when I add equations in the main file. The problem happens only when using \include{}.

Last edited by localghost on Wed Oct 26, 2011 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Chemical Equations

Post by cgnieder »

Hello ElleSaf,

I don't believe "New Members" is the right category for your question ;)
Also it would have been helpful, if you used the Code button to format your post. It improves readability.

To your question: this doesn't give me any warning:

Code: Select all



\chapter{Chapter one}
e^{\pi i} + 1 = 0
\text{CO}_2 + \text{C} \longrightarrow 2\text{CO}

You should try to provide a true minimal example, which reproduces the warning.

However, I would suggest using the chemmacros package, anyway. It provides an environment reaction for chemical equations and also uses mhchem, which makes typesetting chemical formulae a lot easier.

Code: Select all


\chapter{Chapter one}
 e^{\pi i} + 1 = 0 \label{eq:1}
 CO2 + C -> 2 CO \label{ch:1}

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Chemical Equations

Post by ElleSaf61 »


Thank you for your prompt reply. I tried chemmacros package and still have the same problem. As i mentioned in my previous post there is no problem when I put chemical equations in the base file. It comes when I use \include commond. Since I have a big document (~400 pages) I divided each part in separate *.tex files and then include them in the base file using \include{filename}. A short example of my file is as follows and the warning coming with it is: "pdftex warning (ext4): destination with the same identifier (name{equation.3.3.}) has been already used duplicate ignored"
my base file (this is the minimal example that gives you the same error):

Code: Select all

\usepackage[letterpaper, left=1.5in, right=1.5in, top=1in, bottom=1in, nohead]{geometry}
%Zum URL ==================
%% Kommando=====
\pagenumbering{arabic} \setcounter{page}{1} \doublespacing
and my *section1* file is:

Code: Select all

\chapter{Section one}
At anode:
   \ce{2H2O \rightarrow O2 \uparrow +~4H^+_{(aq)}+ 4e- \qquad \qquad     E^0=-1.229V}
At the cathode:
     \ce{4H2O + 4e^- \rightarrow 2H2\uparrow +~4OH^-_{(aq)}  \qquad   E^0=-0.828V}
  J = \frac{I}{z_{iF}}
Btw, I tried to follow your advice about pressing Code button. Hopefully, I got it right. :)
Thanks again,
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Chemical Equations

Post by cgnieder »

Hi again,

You need to enclose the code with the opening and closing tag in order to display code as such...

I will look into your code, as soon as I have the time. However, your
example is not a real minimal working example yet, is it?
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Chemical Equations

Post by localghost »

ElleSaf61 wrote: Btw, I tried to follow your advice about pressing Code button. Hopefully, I got it right. :)
Thanks again,
You have to enclose the code you want to post by the |code| … |/code| tags*. This is simply done by marking the text passages you want to tag and then press the code button. The result should look like the following while composing or editing a message.

Hello World!
I corrected your post in this regard. If you want to look at its "source", press the edit button (but don't alter the post!).

* Note that the "|" symbol had to be chosen here as replacement for enclosing brackets to visualize the BBCode tags here.

Best regards and welcome to the board
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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Chemical Equations

Post by cgnieder »


The problem is the combination of things: 1) use of pdflatex, 2) use of hyperref and 3) the new environment using \begin{equation}...\end{equation} (as you can read here).

The solution is rather simple: change the definition of your chemequation environment into this:

Code: Select all

I'll have to thank you, since this pointed me to a bug in chemmacros, which I'll try to adress...

BTW: you don't need to use \rightarrow and uparrow, when you use mhchem. This will work just the same:

Code: Select all

\chapter{Section one}
At anode:
 \ce{2 H2O -> O2 ^ + 4 H^+_{\text{(aq)}} + 4e- \qquad \qquad     E^0=-1.229V}
At the cathode:
 \ce{4 H2O + 4 e- -> 2 H2 ^ + 4 OH^-_{\text{(aq)}}  \qquad   E^0=-0.828V}
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Re: Chemical Equations

Post by ElleSaf61 »

Thank you so much for your help. It solved my problem. :P ;)
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Chemical Equations

Post by cgnieder »

BTW: chemmacros v2.0 now works, too:

Code: Select all


 H2 + 1/2 O2 -> H2O
 C + O2 <=> CO2

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