I use a chapter heading layout which centers the headings in the middle of the page. A few of my headings however are a bit too large for one line, and thus the last word breaks to the next line. However, this looks usually quite awkward, and I would like to control the position where the break occurs. I tried \newline, and it works of course, but the problem then is that the break also occurs in the toc. But in the toc it should still be a single line, as it fits inside one line.
I look forward to your answers,
Page Layout ⇒ Line Breaks in Chapter Headings
- localghost
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Line Breaks in Chapter Headings
Please provide some useful information and show us by a minimal example how you center your chapter headings. Otherwise the problem remains academic.
How to make a "Minimal Example"
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
Line Breaks in Chapter Headings
Hello Thorsten,
thank you for your answer.
Actually I just found the solution. It is so simple...
One simply can use the optional argument of the chapter command as follows:
Now one can use as many line breaks if one wishes.
(Of course I would have provided the wished example if I wouldn't have found the solution).
Best wishes,
thank you for your answer.
Actually I just found the solution. It is so simple...
One simply can use the optional argument of the chapter command as follows:
Code: Select all
\chapter[Chaptername in Toc]{Chaptername in main document}
(Of course I would have provided the wished example if I wouldn't have found the solution).
Best wishes,