I'd like to add my list of publications after the References chapter using bibtex for both
I read this post but in this post they need to replace references section with list of publication and the second part about categorizing the same section....which I don't actually want!
I need the two chapters, I need references followed by the list of publications.
I tried this code, but it doesn't work...
Code: Select all
Code, edit and compile here:
\newcommand{\References}{%The following four lines are just for making a TOC entry that links correctly to the valid References page number\cleardoublepage\newpage\phantomsection \label{bib}\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{References}\renewcommand{\bibname}{References}%renaming the default "Bibliography" title to "References"\bibliographystyle{ieeetr}% I think the nice is either ieeetr or plain styles only\bibliography{MSc}}
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Code, edit and compile here:
%Create Publications list\newcommand{\ListOfPublications}{\cleardoublepage\newpage\nocite{*}\renewcommand{\bibname}{List of Publications}%renaming the default "Bibliography" title to "References"\bibliographystyle{ieeetr}% I think the nice is either ieeetr or plain styles only\bibliography{ListOfPublications}}