Math & Sciencelistofsymbols | Problems with non-trivial Symbols

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listofsymbols | Problems with non-trivial Symbols

Post by Vilietha »

Hello everyone,

I am writing my thesis in mathematics, and I would like to use a list of symbols. Therefore, I tried the package "listofsymbols". It seems to be favourable, because one cannot only create the list, one defines macros for the symbols one is using. Which is very convenient, because one can define longer symbols, and then simply use the short macro name instead of the math formula.

However, I encountered some problem which I need to solve. The package accepts for example the following two definitions:

Code: Select all

\newsym[The energy 1 of the system]{symE1}{( E_1 )}
\newsym[Energy 2]{symE2}{\mathcal{E}_2}
Argument one is the description, argument 2 the name of the macro, argument three the symbol/output. But it does not accept

Code: Select all

The problem occurs here when round braces are present and the \mathcal is used at the same time. But most of the symbols I want to define consist of both elements.

Another problem: I get errors when I use for example $\mathcal(E)$ in a description. But $\lambda$ works fine...

I look forward to your answers, and hope there is a simple solution.

Best wishes,

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listofsymbols | Problems with non-trivial Symbols

Post by justdeath »

Your code does not work, did you even compile it?

First, you cannot have numbers in commands.

Second, that is not a MWE. Here is one:

Code: Select all

Code, edit and compile here:
\newsym[The energy 1 of the system]{symEa}{( E_1 )}
\newsym[Energy 2]{symEb}{\mathcal{E}_2}
Text here $\symEa$, $\symEb$, $\symEc$.
The package does not allow (\mathcal{E}), you can use (\cal{E}) (no idea why is that), but this doesn't get printed correctly in the list of symbols.

Can't fix it, need someone more knowledgeable.

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Re: listofsymbols | Problems with non-trivial Symbols

Post by Vilietha »

Hello Nikolay,

thank you very much for your answer!
It has solved several of my problems.

Does anyone have a recommendation about similar packages which are recommendable? And do most of you hardcode the formulas in your tex-documents? (I am writing a thesis in measure theory, and many formulas occur so many times, such as measure spaces, which is why I prefer macros for them.)

Best wihses,
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