Text FormattingFont Selection Specification for References

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Font Selection Specification for References

Post by gkl »

Dear All,

Does anyone know where Latex gets the information about what fonts to use for the Bibliography section?

I am writing an article for a Springer journal and when using natbib with their specified bibliography style (splncs03) I get one font size and when using commenting natbib out I am getting another (the document class is the same in both cases).

Could anyone throw some light as to where I might look to solve this problem? I would really like to use natbib as I am having multiple references in many parts of the document and I am adding new ones as I am going along.


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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: Font Selection Specification for References

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi George,

it would be good if you would provide a small compilable example which shows the problem. Otherwise it's quite theoretic.

LaTeX.org admin
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