Hi guys,
i am trying my first steps with these programs. I downloaded some different guidelines for the installation and tried all of them, but unfortunatly i am allways having trouble with the output:
This is pdfeTex, Version 3.141592-1.30.6-2.2 (MikTex 2.5)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01_
Babel <v3.8g> and hyphentation patterns for english, dumylang, nohyphentation, german, ngerman, frech, loaded.
! LaTeX Error: File 'csrartcl.cls' not found.
Could anybody solve my problem? thanks for your support, Mike
MiKTeX and proTeXt ⇒ MikTex with TeXnicCenter
Re: MikTex with TeXnicCenter
I think you mistyped the error message: the missing file is probably
which is a class of documents defined in the bundle of packages koma-script. So I guess you haven't installed koma-script (it is not by default). Right?
which is a class of documents defined in the bundle of packages koma-script. So I guess you haven't installed koma-script (it is not by default). Right?
Re: MikTex with TeXnicCenter
true, I haven't installed it yet.
do you maybe have a link where i can download koma-script? do i have to install it in a specific order?
thx for support, Mike
do you maybe have a link where i can download koma-script? do i have to install it in a specific order?
thx for support, Mike
Re: MikTex with TeXnicCenter
If you just want to test latex, you can use the class "article"
Re: MikTex with TeXnicCenter
Just use MiKTeX package manager (Start menu >MiKTeX 2.5> Browse Packages) : you right click on koma-script, choose install, and you're done.
Re: MikTex with TeXnicCenter
Hi guys,
I have done and tried a few times. Still I have the problems, that the scrartcl.cls does not exist...
I have done and tried a few times. Still I have the problems, that the scrartcl.cls does not exist...
Re: MikTex with TeXnicCenter
However, if you use mpm, rightclick on koma-script and choose properties, instead of install, you see the file in the list and where it should be, so you can check. Perhaps, you should refresh the filename database manually? Does your preamble begin by something like