Information and discussion about TeX Live distribution for all platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X) and the related MacTeX: installing, updating, configuring
I am not sure i have chosen the right place for this thread.
The problem is quite simple: I have prepared a questionnaire with the package "exam". The file compiles nicely in Windows (MiKTeX 2.9 and Texmaker) but does not in Ubuntu (Tex Live and Texmaker), where I get the message "Unknown checkboxes environment". The package "exam" seems to be installed, of course.
Here is a short code that works nicely in Windows:
It compiles fine for me with TeXlive 2011 on Arch Linux. If you're still using the Ubuntu TeXlive packages, they may be out of date. Try putting \listfiles at the beginning of the code, and post the list of versions of the files that gets put in the .log. Compare the Windows/Ubuntu results, and it may shed some light.
geronimo wrote:
Do you know how I can install TexLive 2011 in Ubuntu?
See here in the section "Vanilla TeXlive on Debian" for instructions on installing and creating a dummy package satisfying the Debian/Ubuntu package manager dependencies.
frabjous wrote:
See here in the section "Vanilla TeXlive on Debian" for instructions on installing and creating a dummy package satisfying the Debian/Ubuntu package manager dependencies.
It does not sound easy, at least for me, I am not a Linux expert. I will have a closer look at it tomorrow.
Please note that there is no option "Create symlinks to standard directories" in the TL2011 installer (anymore), but one can easily do this in the TeXlive Manager GUI after installation.
sommerfee wrote:
Please note that there is no option "Create symlinks to standard directories" in the TL2011 installer (anymore), but one can easily do this in the TeXlive Manager GUI after installation.
That option was still there when I installed TL 2011!
frabjous wrote:That option was still there when I installed TL 2011!
I just downloaded the actual installer (install-tl-20110906) and the option is not available when I start the default, non-gui install process (via "./install-tl").
But it is indeed available when using the installation with GUI (via "./install-tl -gui perltk").
frabjous wrote:That option was still there when I installed TL 2011!
I just downloaded the actual installer (install-tl-20110906) and the option is not available when I start the default, non-gui install process (via "./install-tl").
But it is indeed available when using the installation with GUI (via "./install-tl -gui perltk").
I didn't use the GUI, and it definitely is there anyway. You need to press O for options. Here's a screenshot of the options menu (it's not on the main menu, so maybe that's the issue):
frabjous wrote:I didn't use the GUI, and it definitely is there anyway.
Oh yes, you are right!
You need to press O for options.
When pressing "O" you'll see six options, and the latest one is about the symlinks. But in the main menu only the first five options are shown. (For that reason I thought this option has gone since AFAIR this was different in the TL2010 installer, all six options where shown there in the main menu as well.)