I am not sure i have chosen the right place for this thread.
The problem is quite simple: I have prepared a questionnaire with the package "exam". The file compiles nicely in Windows (MiKTeX 2.9 and Texmaker) but does not in Ubuntu (Tex Live and Texmaker), where I get the message "Unknown checkboxes environment". The package "exam" seems to be installed, of course.
Here is a short code that works nicely in Windows:
Code: Select all
\documentclass[addpoints]{exam}\textheight 9.75in\usepackage[italian]{babel}\usepackage{amssymb}\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}\header{III B}{Questionario di Prova}{12 Ottobre 2011}\firstpagefooter{}{Pagina \thepage\ di \numpages}{}\runningfooter{}{Pagina \thepage\ di \numpages}{}\headrule\footrule\checkboxchar{$\Box$}\pointpoints{ punto}{ punti}\begin{document}\begin{questions}\question Question\begin{checkboxes}\choice Answer A\choice Answer B\choice Answer C\choice Answer D\end{checkboxes}\end{questions}\end{document}