Hi all,
I have used the epslatex terminal for my plot for some times now, since in my opinion can produce very high quality pictures. It can be tricky to use, for example because of the problem pointed out by shadgrind.
I am looking forward to use tikz for my plot instead, but for the time being I am quite happy with epslatex.
To get all the plot of the same size you can fix the margin (strongly suggested when using epslatex!), for example:
Code: Select all
I strongly suggest to fix the size of the figure to match the final desired result rather than using scalebox in latex (the default dimensions are 5 inches x 3.5 inches if I recall correctly).
The following four commands set the positions of the left, right, bottom and top margin of the plot area.
The keyword `at screen` indicates that the margin is specified as a fraction of the full figure.
At this point you should start tweaking at hand the position of the labels, that probably need some offsets, for example:
Code: Select all
The first command moves the xlabel slightly up, while the ylabel needs to be strongly moved to the right. Your values can vary, I usually set them by trial and error.
Hope this helps,