TeX Live and MacTeXBeamer: how to change the colors of everything?

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Beamer: how to change the colors of everything?

Post by biglolbird »

Hi latex community,

I am currently making a beamer presentation. The background I am using is blue (the slides are entirely deep blue), which begs me to change every default colors that comes with beamer. How do I change the colors of frame title, texts, especially bullets (used with \beamertemplateballitem), and the "grey text" used with \setbeamercovered{dynamic}? Is it possible to specify any color with three numbers (red, blue...)?

Thanks again!

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Beamer: how to change the colors of everything?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi biglolbird,

welcome to the LaTeX Community board!
The beamer class is very well documented. Here you will find the documentation on CTAN, in case you don't have it already. Perhaps chapters 15, 16 and 17 already answer your questions.

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Re: Beamer: how to change the colors of everything?

Post by biglolbird »

Hi Stefan_K,

Thanks for the link! I find that \setbeamercolor (also \usecolortheme) can alter the colors of the bullets and of the non-text fonts. However it seems impossible to alter independently the colors of the bullets and the non-text fonts, since there seems to be no beamer command that allows that.

Is there way to go around this problem? I think one solution could be defining a customized color theme as done by xcolor and svg packages. Do you know how they defined the colors?

Thanks again!
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