Conversion Toolslatex2rtf | Bookmarks instead of Endnotes

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latex2rtf | Bookmarks instead of Endnotes

Post by Ulandu »

Dear all.

I created a latex file, which includes some text and some references. The references are treated with bibtex.

I need to convert the latex file into a Word or OpenOffice file. So this is why I use latex2rtf. I do the following under a Linux-Ubuntu system (10.10):

Code: Select all

latex document
bibtex document
latex document
latex document
latex2rtf document
The RTF document looks nice, indeed. However, I have one problem: All references are treated as 'bookmarks' or 'fields'! What I need are numbered endnotes.

Does somebody know how to tell latex2rtf that he shall use endnotes instead of bookmarks? Or: Is there a way to change 'bookmarks' into 'endnotes' in Word or OpenOffice?

Thanks in advance for some ideas.


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Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Feb 27, 2011 10:52 pm

Re: latex2rtf | Bookmarks instead of Endnotes

Post by Ulandu »

Hello, does somebody have an idea? Thx.
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