Hello all,
I'm a bit new here to LaTeX so I may be a bit naive in my description of the issue, but here goes:
Working on a 'book' style document where the major divisions are organized by parts.
When typesetting my LaTeX document, the \printindex command (I believe) automatically generates a pdf bookmark for the index. However, when viewing the resultant .pdf in Adobe the bookmark is nested in preceding part's bookmark. This results in a misleading organization as I'd like the index bookmark to be on the same 'level' of hierarchy as the parts. Is there anyway to 'separate' the index from the preceding part?
Related question: is there a way to bookmark the individual letter headings in the index? (Bookmark for the "A's," "B's," etc.?
Any advice would be extremely helpful and appreciated.
Thank you
MakeIndex, Nomenclature, Glossaries and Acronyms ⇒ PDF Bookmarking the index
PDF Bookmarking the index
Please provide a Minimal Working Example, as stated in the board rules.
The hyperref package will probably fix your first problem.
The hyperref package will probably fix your first problem.
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PDF Bookmarking the index
Ah, ok, my apologies. Here's an example:
OK, in doing all that I figured out my first concern. (the {part} argument of \addcontentsline fixed that). But does anyone know how to bookmark the individual letters of the index?
Code: Select all
\usepackage[pdftex,colorlinks=true, pdfstartview=FitV, linkcolor=blue, citecolor=blue,
Apples are good
Bananas are too
\chapter{Green Bananas}
Green ones are young
Re: PDF Bookmarking the index
Try \phantomsection
see http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/ ... st-section
see http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/ ... st-section