LyXCiting Several Sources

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Citing Several Sources

Post by acidk »

Hi folks!

I want to cite several sources and instead of getting the citations separated like [1],[2],[3] I would like to get something like [1-3] :twisted:

I found this post :

and added:

to my Latex environment - sadly I have still the same problem.

Furthermore I cant explain why just the last name of the first author is completely written out, while the other authors are just abbreviated like:

[27] de Taminau, J. T. G. W. H.
Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling,2008,27,161-169.

Is it a matter of the chosen citation style?? It would be fantastic if anybody of you has an idea how to fix that.



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Citing Several Sources

Post by Frits »

The sort&compress option for natbib should be able to solve your first problem. Maybe you can post a Minimal Working Example.

You already gave the answer to your second problem, that's probably due to the citation style you chose. This document gives an overview of some citation styles. - Your LaTeX resource site (Tips, Tricks, Templates and more!)
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