I am new to latex. I have been using it since a week. It is so easy to make a document.. But learning about the commands take a lot of time for beginners..
My Problem is, hyperref is not linking my citations with the references. I am using the standard IEEEtran.bst as my BIB style file and have made a BiBTeX entry 'reference.bib' of all my references. But in the documents when I am citing the references, they are not getting hyperlinked. I guess may be there is some problem with BiBTeX and hyperref integration. But then, the strange thing is, in references, the URLs from my 'reference.bib' files are hyperlinked to respective sites. What do I do? Do I need to use any special packages for that?
And by the way rest of the things like Figures, Table of contents and Equations are getting properly hyperlinked. Problem is with citations.
My preamble looks like this
Code: Select all
\renewcommand\nomname{Symbols and Abbreviations}
Code: Select all