LyXReferences in wrong order???

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References in wrong order???

Post by acidk »

Hi folks!

I've been working with Lyx for a week now, but suddenly recognised that my references are in the wrong order -- they are ordered alphabetically and not due to their occurence in the text like (what I'd like to have):

test 1[3]
test 2[2]
test 3[1]

:roll: :twisted:

Currently I am using 'plain' as citing style and am using Lyx 1.6.7 on ubuntu 10.10. I have this problem with several .bib databases.

Thanx and best regards,
Last edited by acidk on Mon Jun 13, 2011 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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References in wrong order???

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Florian,

welcome to the board!

You could use the style unsrt instead of plain.

Stefan admin
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Re: References in wrong order???

Post by acidk »

*UFF* Thank you soo much! It works perfectly!

So it's just a matter of the used style that affects the sorting of the references? First I suspected a potential error in my .bib (exported from Jabref) to be responsible for those strange problems!

Thx again!

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Re: References in wrong order???

Post by jcmcoelho »

I am facing a similar problem. However for me any of the ideas is not working!I wonder if it is because I am on a sectioned environment. Can anyone check the attached file?

Many thanks
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References in wrong order???

Post by Johannes_B »

Hi and welcome,

i suggest to open a new topic, that keeps everything more clear.

Your example is huge, there are only 3 cite commands. But there is no bibligraphical data available to test it, nor is any package loaded that revails how you include your bibliography.
Please read up on how to provide a minimal working example (Erstellen eines vollständigen Minimalbeispiels), which is also available for LyX. you can export the minimal LyX code to LaTeX (we are a bit short on LyX supporters).

Since you seem to be writing in german, you can have a look at our german partner sites: TeXwelt (a question and answer site) and goLaTeX, a classical discussion forum.
The smart way: Calm down and take a deep breath, read posts and provided links attentively, try to understand and ask if necessary.
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