KileTyping accent marks strange behavior

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Typing accent marks strange behavior

Post by amorim3 »

I use Kile 2.1 beta on Mac OS 10.6 using fink with KDE 4.4.1-3.
I use MacTex 2010.
Files encoding format is Western European ISO (ISO 8859-1).

I'm now writing in a document in portuguese language.

When I'm typing words on Kile that requires special characters with accent marks ( e.g. `, ˜, ˆ ) or even special characters like single quotation marks ( ' ) and double quotation marks ( " ) the Kile editor is having strange behavior.

Evert time I try to type a special character the Kile puts some small underline symbol bellow this character and when a try to include a a second special character the cursor jumps back to that position with the small underline, deleting everything between the current cursor position and the first special character.
And other strange behavior associated with the same special characters, like duplicating the character just after the accent mark.
If I copy and paste a text that has those character no problem occurs. It is difficult to explain so I give some example:

I just Copy and Paste the following line to Kile and it is just fine:
Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre

Now I will try to type the same sentence, and bellow is what I got up to the moment just before typing the second "é":
Wikip'éedia, a enciclp

Then what I got after typing the second "é":

I cannot even type LaTeX quotation marks like ``bla ' ' because I can not type a the character ` by the second time.

I know that I can use LaTeX command like \'{e} but half of document is already written with accent marks, if I open a tex file that has those accent marks I can view them fine and I have no problems to generate pdf.
Other editors like texmaker and TeXShop just work fine.

Can some one please help me?

Thanks a lot.

Amorim III

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Re: Typing accent marks strange behavior

Post by kubal5003 »

I'm trying to solve the same problem, but with Polish letters (ą, ę ó, ł, ś,...).

I've discovered that clearing all shorcuts makes it possible to type those letters, but this causes many other things to break, like backspace or even arrow keys.
I've been trying to remove only shortcuts that begin with Alt key, but that doesn't help. If I press the Alt key then menu positions are being highlighted - Kile is waiting for a second key to trigger menu item action. Why? What shortcuts need to be removed ?
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