I am writing a slide show with beamer, and I have to cite quite a few times different books and articles from my (huge) bibliography. So, I have a .bib file which I have dragged into the folder where my .tex file is. Now normally, like in a latex-article, I would put \usepackage{natbib} in the preamble, \bibliographystyle{plainnat} right after /begin{document} and \bibliography{BIB} right before \end{document}.
And when I want to cite something somewhere in the text flow, I would use, say, \cite{hemingway52} and I'd get a nice output. Now, in Beamer, I just get a question mark in my output.
Is there a way to fix this?
At one point the console says: No file Presentation.bbl
(The folder which holds all the tex-files is called Presentation)
I've actually seen a post here in the forum which said that it won't work at all, but on the other hand I found so many posts on the internet where people said that it worked for them-- so I'm confused

I'm very grateful for any advice!
Thank you very much!