Graphics, Figures & TablesMusixTex multiple notes at the same time

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MusixTex multiple notes at the same time

Post by dorien »


I want to display an entire scale in 1 note position. I've tried with:

Code: Select all

\NOTes \rh{dfhjln}\rw {cegikmo} \wh p\enotes
but the notes are still to far from eachother. I also tried with \lw instead of \rh, but then the space is to big...

Any ideas?

Thanks so much!

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MusixTex multiple notes at the same time

Post by cgnieder »

I am not sure, that I did understand correctly: you want the whole scale displayed as a chord with whole note heads, right?
This should work:

Code: Select all

% all on the _same_ place, probalbly _not_ what you want
% as real chord:
% possible but not really good:
\rw creates non-spacing whole note heads shifted to the right (approx 6pt)
\rh same with half note heads, \lw shifts them to the left.

For a chord you always need the not shifted non-spacing note heads, for example:
\zw non-spacing whole note heads
\zhl, \zql ... same with half, quarter note heads ...

(MusiXTeX Manual version T.113, section 2.5: writing notes (p. 23ff))

I hope that helps?
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MusixTex multiple notes at the same time

Post by dorien »

Excellent, thanks!

Yes, I read that in the manual, that's how I put together the original code, but the spacing was still off.

I used

Code: Select all

\NOTes \rh{dfhjln}\rw {cegikmo} \wh p\enotes
and it displays great now.

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