BibTeX, biblatex and biberHarvard bibliography style

Information and discussion about BiBTeX - the bibliography tool for LaTeX documents.
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Harvard bibliography style

Post by magicmoose »


I need a specific Harvard bibliography style that conforms exactly to this document: ... encing.pdf. Using the natbib package with the agsm and kluwer bibliography styles, I can get close, but not identical results, in particular the first name initials have periods after them where they shouldn't, and the year is formatted incorrectly. I have tried using makebst to generate a custom style, but I could not make it work. If anyone has any help or advice please let me know.

Many thanks,

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Re: Harvard bibliography style

Post by magicmoose »

Has anyone got any ideas or things that I can look at to help with this?
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Harvard bibliography style

Post by man2011 »


I use the following code which seems to satisfy my need since my need is quite similar to yours as far as I understnad

Code: Select all

the bibliography that is created is like the following

Famlyname, M. (2001). XXXXX. San Diego, CA: Academic Press,.
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Harvard bibliography style

Post by man2011 »


I use the following code

Code: Select all

the bibliography that is created is like the following

Famlyname, M. (2001). XXXXX. San Diego, CA: Academic Press,.
I am curious to know what the answer for your question, please if you get it, just post it here.. :D
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Re: Harvard bibliography style

Post by buster »

that kinda works for me
the only thing is that i already had a bibliography so have a few problems having to switch to harvard style.

only the first author's name is done correctly, (ie surname, initial) all the rest are initial, surname

secondly, how do you stop it thinking it's a name? say I just want to preserve Firstname Secondname how i've written it?

should i start a new thread for my problems?
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Re: Harvard bibliography style

Post by magicmoose »

I think the answer to this problem is to make a custom bibliography style with makebst. I've had a couple of goes at it, but I can't seem to get everything working and looking right, so does anyone know of a good guide for makebst?

Many thanks
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Harvard bibliography style

Post by duboismathieu »


I have never tried to do such thing but I think that the reference can be found here: ... ttb_en.pdf

Another way might be biblatex (I'm trying it right now).

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