GeneralTeXnic Center 2 Alpha 3 Crashing Regularly

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TeXnic Center 2 Alpha 3 Crashing Regularly

Post by ssilk »

Hi All,

I've been using Alpha 3 for about two weeks now, and am delighted so far, I find the interface a lot more pleasant and efficient to work with than TC1.

Just yesterday though, it started crashing on me. This is happening about once per hour now. I thought I'd post and see if there are any ideas on what might be the reason. Please note that this is happening sometimes at build time, sometimes not. The first time it happened, I was just typing some plain text and it crashed. Most recent crash happened just after starting a build.

Unfortunately I can't spot anything specific I'm doing either in code or through the GUI, so it's hard to make a MWE. So, I'll just list as many factors as I can think of right now and see if anyone can spot a likely culprit. Also, if anyone knows where I'd find crash log file if there is one, that would be great.

- Running TeXnic Center 2 Alpha 3 Build 1118.

- System: Win 7 Home Pro 64-bit, 4GB RAM, Intel Core i3-330m, ATI Mobility Radeon HD4330.

- Recently started using "Check spelling while typing" option. Will try disabling this for a while.

- Managing bib file through JabRef; first few crashes were while JabRef open, but have been keeping it closed now and still crashing.

- Autosave changed from 10 mins to 2 mins because I was worried about losing work.

- When building, I frequently get an error that says "couldn't save (current file)." If I look in my source folder, I discover the file I was just editing is missing and the only copy is now in the TeXnic center GUI and unsaved. I then have to manually save it from there. This is unnerving; is it normal for TC to delete a file before it starts to build the project?

- Packages loaded: [pdftex]{graphicx}, {tikz}, {pgfplots}, {cite}, {amsmath}, [pdftex]{hyperref}, {makeidx}.

- Using bibtex and IEEEtran bib style.

Thanks in advance. If there's any way to get more info on this crash, please let me know. It would be nice to get this resolved and also help iron out a bug if possible.

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