GeneralScreen capture: best practices

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Screen capture: best practices

Post by gregatustra »


i need various screen captures (pictures of different windows directly from my screen) to be inserted inside my latex document.

For now i found this to be optimal:

- i take a screen capture
- i crop it to the desired window
- and save it as png (i use gimp and set compression level to 0)

Then i insert a figure with:


and adjust the desired width with experimentation, just so that the image nicely fits on the page and is not too big.

Is there something i am doing wrong? I would like the best printout possible. Is there some more optimal way to do this?


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Stefan Kottwitz
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Re: Screen capture: best practices

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Greg,

you can take the screen captures directly with gimp, you will find that feature in gimp's file menu. You can even choose to capture only one single window.
Without gimp: try Alt+PrtScr to capture a single window instead of the whole screen.

I would use png too. The resolution of the printer should be much more then that of the screen, so no scaling is needed. I would go the same way.

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Re: Screen capture: best practices

Post by gregatustra »

Cool, what about scaling, like the factor:

[width=0.7\textwidth] or [scale=0.5]

will this affect the printout? If i understand, the printer has a dpi resolution, dots per inch. So the only problem would be if i rescale the picture too small, so there are too many pixels (dots) per inch to be printed and the resolution of the printer would be too small, so the picture would print out malfigured.

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