TeX Live and MacTeXtlmgr missing in texlive

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tlmgr missing in texlive

Post by jaybz »

I'm working on Ubuntu Maverick and have Texlive installed 2009-10 (maverick)
I'm trying to install a package for Texlive but when I try to start tlmgr I get that is doesn't exist.

Code: Select all

No command 'tlmgr' found, did you mean:
Command 'vlmgr' from package 'qdbm-util' (universe)
Command 'rlmgr' from package 'qdbm-util' (universe)
tlmgr: command not found
I also did a search and Ubuntu couldn't find tlmgr.

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tlmgr missing in texlive

Post by T3. »

If you are using TeX Live packaged by Ubuntu, then you should use the package manager from that distro. If you want tlmgr, then you have to install TeX Live version distributed by TUG.


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tlmgr missing in texlive

Post by jaybz »

Ok, I didn't know that Texlive and the version from tug were different. After Googling I found this:
There is now a new utility provided by Firmicus which allows to conveniently manage a TeXLive installation on Arch Linux. See http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=23776 in AUR.
Unfortunately on the link page it says "This package has been flagged out of date"
The original page does give instructions on manually installing Latex packages. Imagine that, on Windows using MikTex it's actually easier because it comes with it's own gui based package manager ?!
I also found this:
http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Pack ... a_Packages
Where there's lots of steps. On the Windows side it's much easier. Very frustrating.
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tlmgr missing in texlive

Post by T3. »

The version of TeX Live at TUG is the version of it. It is developed there. This is the same TeX Live as in your distribution, only more up-to-date and packaged differently with its own package manager (to add, remove and also update packages - distros don't update TeX Live between releases, AFAIK). And for ease of use the package manager in TeX Live has a GUI too (requires Perl Tk module).
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