XeTeXlinks after \paragraph{...} cause heading to be a link

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links after \paragraph{...} cause heading to be a link

Post by doonyakka »


I've recently converted a long document from LaTeX to XeLaTeX and nearly everything's working, but I've found that if I have citation (or anything else that hyperref turns into a link) immediately after a \paragraph{...} heading, the heading itself will be part of the link. An example will illustrate this better than I can explain it, so here it is:

Code: Select all

  author = {Smith, John},
  title = {{Yet Another Fake Citation}},
  year = {2011},
  publisher = {(nonexistent)}



\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Linux Libertine O}%



\paragraph{This is a link} \pageref{thispage}st page 
\paragraph{This is also a link} \citet{citation}.
\paragraph{This is not a link} because this is plain text.


This doesn't happen in LaTeX. Am I doing something wrong? Any idea what's causing it, and how to fix it?


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links after \paragraph{...} cause heading to be a link

Post by localghost »

A very interesting phenomenon which seems to be related to some hyperref internals. I suggest to post this on comp.text.tex (ctt) since there are the experts. Feel free to report the result after you got an answer there.

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links after \paragraph{...} cause heading to be a link

Post by doonyakka »

Hi Thorsten,

I posted my question on comp.text.tex and the hyperref package Maintainer, Heiko Oberdiek, got back to me very quickly. As you suggest, it's due to a bug in hyperref. It'll be fixed in the next release but, in the meantime, Heiko suggests the following:
Workaround: Add \leavevmode (or \mbox{}) before
\pageref and \citet.

Fixed in hyperref 2011/04/17 v6.82g. Upload is on its way.
GL replied to Heiko with the following comment, which may be of help:
I would have proposed \ \unskip
because \null don't seem to have any effect. But \mbox{} is simpler !
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