I'm writing solutions to a certain mathematical algebra book, and I insist that the page dimensions of my solutions are the same as the dimensions of the book (so I can insert the solutions at the end), which is much smaller than ordinary A4.
Therefore I decrease my font size with \fontsize{6pt}{6pt}\selectfont in order to get enough text on a page. What happens is horrible: all the mathmode text becomes much thicker and wider. Now one can't even distinguish between ordinary numbers and mathmode numbers.
Code: Select all
\documentclass[a4paper,oneside, final, 10pt]{article}
\usepackage[top=1.5cm, bottom=2.2cm, left=2.1cm, right=2.1cm, paperwidth=6.102in, paperheight=9.250in]{geometry} %nastavitve dimenzij strani
here is the comparison: