Question: How do you change (pin) styles locally and globally? For
example, if I want one sort of pin, I can define at the beginning of
my document:
Code: Select all
every pin/.style={fill=gray!10, rectangle, rounded corners=3pt}
Code: Select all
\node[pin=0:{Pin Text}] at (0,0) {};
Now suppose that within a tikzpicture, I wanted another type of style.
I tried something like this:
Code: Select all
\node[pin/.style={circle}, pin=0:{Pin Text}] at (0,0) {};
(a) Change the style for one particular node
(b) Define multiple styles (at the beginning of my document, say) and
use them on command?
Here is a minimal example:
Code: Select all
every pin/.style={fill=gray!50, rectangle, rounded corners=3pt}
\node[pin=0:{Pin Text}] at (0,0) {};
\node[pin/.style={circle}, pin=0:{Pin Text}] at (0,0) {};