localghost wrote:E-Mails are neither the primary nor an appropriate measure to send bug reports to authors of software projects. Therefore most projects offer a bug tracker.
http://replay.waybackmachine.org/200902 ... /texmaker/
http://replay.waybackmachine.org/201006 ... /texmaker/
As you can see yourself, back then e-mail was offered as a single point of contact for any kind on inquiries and what I sent there was silently ignored on multiple occasions for whatever reasons. I would have certainly used a mailing list or an issue tracker if it were available at all.
I see that now apparently the author is also of
localghost's opinion. I didn't check when exactly the project at Google Code and the issue tracker were created but this is certainly very recent. Well, I wish him best of luck with his endeavors.
meho_r wrote:Just don't start flamewar, please. There are people out there who are grateful to both projects' leaders/maintainers.
Where did you see a flame, please? I am neither using TexMaker, nor TexMakerX. I have received an announcement that TexMaker 3.0 was released and decided to check up on the home page if it is any better now.
What I found there was a hilarious note which presents some other project as evil chameleons that "trick" users riding on TexMakers popularity (whereas the true reason appeared to be a total lack of communication with the author).
I found this so funny that I decided to post it in this thread. That's it. If someone thinks that this note is provocative, offensive or is ashamed of it, I'm sorry, I didn't write it, so tell this to the one who did.