GeneralPlacing figure in header with text using the fancyhdr packag

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Placing figure in header with text using the fancyhdr packag

Post by N00bDaan »

So here is the deal. I would like to have a figure in my header with to some text beside it.
I got the fancyhdr package and I have just this one last problem. With the following code, I can produce the header (see figure)

Code: Select all

\pagestyle{fancy} \pagenumbering{arabic} \setcounter{page}{1}
\rhead{\bfseries\ffont Blablabla \\Blabalblalalblal \includegraphics[width=20pt]{ULB.jpg}}

As you can see the figure is to large to be on one line so LaTeX uses some extra space for the figure, which results in bumping the other text up. I've tried several things but I can not get the figure overlapping two lines, with the two lines of text beside it. I think I should force LaTeX into doing something with the text, or is there a way to manipulate the figure placement? Anyone with a bit of help?


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Placing figure in header with text using the fancyhdr packag

Post by ssintay »

Perhaps you can insert an array or table into the header. This might allow text into one column of the array and the figure in the next

Something like

Code: Select all

Some text here &
Just an idea. I have never attempted what you suggest.
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Placing figure in header with text using the fancyhdr packag

Post by N00bDaan »

ssintay wrote: Perhaps you can insert an array or table into the header. This might allow text into one column of the array and the figure in the next

Something like

Code: Select all

Some text here &
Just an idea. I have never attempted what you suggest.

Nope, I don't get it working... Ofcourse it will allign properly horizontal because the array format, but it still messes around with the vertical alignment. This is propably because the figure extends the linewidth... Tricky. :)

Thanks for your help!
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Placing figure in header with text using the fancyhdr packag

Post by localghost »

I would suggest to use a box around the text in the header.

Code: Select all

\rhead{\parbox{5cm}{\bfseries\ffont Blablabla\\Blabalblalalblal} \includegraphics[width=20pt]{ULB.jpg}}
You can specify the width of the parbox on your own. There is no warranty, because this is untested. You may use the \raggedleft command at the right place to get the text aligned.
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Placing figure in header with text using the fancyhdr packag

Post by N00bDaan »

That works indeed.

Code: Select all

\rhead{\parbox[b]{10cm}{\raggedleft \bfseries\ffont Blabla\\Blabla2}  \includegraphics[width=21pt]{ULB.jpg}}
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