Text Formattinghyperref and tilde

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hyperref and tilde

Post by bkarpuz »

Dear all,

I would like to hyperref my web page in latex.
I could not succeed to make the right code for my web page

Code: Select all

since there is a tilde in the address.

Any help will be appreciated very much.

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hyperref and tilde

Post by gmedina »


the \url command provided by the url package could be an option:

Code: Select all




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hyperref and tilde

Post by bkarpuz »

ty gmedina, but when I use in the following way, its not giving the right output

Code: Select all



\title{Title here}
\author{Ba\c{s}ak Karpuz\thanks{\textbf{Address}. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Arts, ANS Campus, Afyon Kocatepe University, 03200 Afyonkarahisar, Turkey.\newline\textbf{Email}. bkarpuz@gmail.com\newline\textbf{Web page}. \url{http://www2.aku.edu.tr/~bkarpuz}}}


so what should be done now? :$

thanks again.
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hyperref and tilde

Post by daleif »

expansion and protection problem, here is one solution

Code: Select all

which worked in my test, then replace \url{...} in the author with \myhomepage
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hyperref and tilde

Post by phi »

Use \urldef or \detokenize or \noexpand or \string. Note that hyperref loads url automatically; you don't have to load it explicitly. Here is an example showing all four possibilities (probably there are a lot more methods):

Code: Select all




\title{Title here}
\author{Ba\c{s}ak Karpuz\thanks{\textbf{Address}. Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Arts, ANS Campus, Afyon Kocatepe University, 03200 Afyonkarahisar, Turkey.\newline\textbf{Email}. bkarpuz@gmail.com\newline\textbf{Web page}. \mysite; \url{\detokenize{http://www2.aku.edu.tr/~bkarpuz}}; \url{http://www2.aku.edu.tr/\noexpand~bkarpuz}; \url{http://www2.aku.edu.tr/\string~bkarpuz}}}


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hyperref and tilde

Post by bkarpuz »

thyank you very much. :oops:

I will use the following one

Code: Select all

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hyperref and tilde

Post by SmithWillSuffice »

I use hyperref too, but not the url package.

: Using \~{} or \textasciitilde{} in the text display part of \href urls produces a raised tilde, which is acceptable because the tilde is really a diacritic mark, and as such should be used in accenting characters. But this doesn't conform to normal document use of "~" in web documents and unix cmds. The web use of ~ based and the use of ~ the unix cmdl shortcuts is abnormal, but understandable, and you should be able to typeset them.

To fix this for your LaTeX document to look nicer you can try

Code: Select all

But this produces a tilde symbol that now looks to low (understandable since it is still supposed to be a diacritic).

So my preferred method of typesetting "~" in url's, or, if you do not want to load this extra package during tex'ing, just define a mid-tilde in your preamble

Code: Select all

Alternatively, you might use the url package,

Code: Select all

which uses a faked mid-tilde in urls using the maths \sim
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