Graphics, Figures & TablesProblem with the invisible table borders

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Problem with the invisible table borders

Post by ivan_hr »


I'm trying to make a colored rows or columns in my table but for some reason table border becomes invisible on some places. For example in the attachment I've included the leftmost vertical border is invisible and it should not be? It seems that the color covers the border on some places.

Can someone here help me to fix this? Here is my code which produces the table.

Code: Select all




\rowcolor[gray]{0.95} one&two\\
\rowcolor[gray]{0.95} three&four\\

Help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance.
output_table.png (2.08 KiB) Viewed 5614 times

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Re: Problem with the invisible table borders

Post by west.logan »

I think this is simply a function of your display (i.e., the lines being too narrow to display). If you look at the PDF output and zoom in, or print it off, your example looks fine.
Posts: 18
Joined: Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:32 pm

Re: Problem with the invisible table borders

Post by ivan_hr »

The picture in the attachment has already been zoomed in to 147% on my pdf viewer.
If I open it with no zoom i.e. 100% then both the upper border as well as the leftmost border are both missing.

When I print the document than it looks ok, that's true. I think it might have something to do with my PDF viewer because everything looks fine with TeXworks pdf viewer but not with Adobe Acrobat 8 which is my default pdf viewer.
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