BibTeX, biblatex and biberMoving references from Endnote

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Moving references from Endnote

Post by PaulL »

I'm experimenting with BibDesk which I need to use as part of a move to LaTeX. I currently use Endnote and Papers (on a Mac) to organise my library, and each shows varying degrees of success at exporting bibliographies. Papers includes the PDF in its export (if present) - Endnote does not. However, the Papers export does some "interesting" things with some of the fields. Neither seems to cope will with web site references.

I'm left with the task of going through my Bibliography in BibDesk and manually cleaning up any errors.

Before I do so, I'd be grateful if anyone who has faced a similar situation can comment on which of the two (Endnote or Papers) is the better choice for minimising export errors. Any other tips or tricks on this type of move would also be appreciated (eg, is it okay to accept the default cite key generation).

I'm also struggling with how / where to find citation styles for BibTex (under BibDesk). I'm after a Harvard style, and am a little confused about where to download and how to install.



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Moving references from Endnote

Post by Ulandu »

Yes, Papers is producing some weird stuff. I had same problems. I used the small program Bibcut: works quite well.
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