KileHighlighting misses \iffalse

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Highlighting misses \iffalse

Post by Bkleine »

Hi, everybody

I have the following problem: As you will see in the example the command \iffalse is not recognized by kile as a valid command. Could you please point me to the place where I can change this.

The error in Kile is irritating since the greying out runs into valid code which I would very much like to see highlighted.

Any help appreciated! Thanks a lot!


Code: Select all

\newcommand\fs@my{%Caption im Rahmen
Incorrect syntax highlighting of the above code snippet.
Incorrect syntax highlighting of the above code snippet.
Kile-SyntaxHighlighting.png (10.63 KiB) Viewed 2657 times

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LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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