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Post by Gabriel »

I'm new on lyx. I use JabRef to create my Bibex (.bib) files. I sucessfully impoted my bibliophraphy in Lyx. When I insert my citations they appear as numbers when i print my file. I would be able to create my references like "(author, date)" in the text, but i can't find the way to do it.
Thanks for helping me.
New on Latex using Lyx ang Jabref
System: Linux Ubuntu 7.10

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Post by gmedina »

The natbib package with the \citet and \citep commands can be useful. Read the documentation.
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Re: Bibliography

Post by Gabriel »

I'm really sorry but i'dont understand how to install natbib in Lyx. The documentation only talk about launching in in Latex, but i would to have it integrated in Lyx.
New on Latex using Lyx ang Jabref
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Alex B.
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Post by Alex B. »

The natbib package is included in the texlive-latex-base (2007-10) package which is part of the TeX Live collection, see

Is it possible that you still use teTeX which is outdated and therefore has been replaced by TeX Live?
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Re: Bibliography

Post by Maksi »

LyX automatically loads natbib when you go to document settings -> bibliography and click on natbib. As numerical citations are default in LaTeX, it is also default in LyX. For finetuning your citations (if you need a colon to be a fullstop and so on), check the natbib manual.
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Re: Bibliography Natbib Lyx Windows Heeeeeeeelp

Post by pebble »

Okay, I have the same problem, but I am a zero in computing, plus I work on @*#Windows.

So, I got the natbib.sty file.

I tried to put it in C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex\misc, nearby etex.sty (sounded good),
and to clicked on the natbib option in Lyx.
But then when I try to visualise in pdflatex, it answers:
The required file tex\latex\natbib\natbib.sty is missing

So I created a directory \natbib\ in C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\tex\latex\, and did put natbib.sty in it.
Same answer.

What can I do ? Do I need something else than natbib.sty ?

Isn't there somewhere something I can download and just press a button to install everything I need to run natbib on Lyx AND @*#Windows ????
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Re: Bibliography

Post by Maksi »

I am not a Windows user, but Natbib should be included in MikTeX anyway. After installing LyX, make sure to run Reconfigure from the LyX-Menu (you should do that every time you change your LaTeX installation so LyX knows about it). Natbib should be available in LyX via the Document Settings Dialogue (-> Bibliography) then.
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Post by funkydan2 »

There's a fair amount of information about this on the lyx wiki -

BibLatex is also a very usable way to create bibliographies, but it isn't supported "out of the box" like Natbib.
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Bibliography and citations

Post by MOLA »

I have been working in a document for a while and i had no problem with the bibliography. But after i did some minor edits to the document and i tried to generate the pdf file again, instead of the citations i get : (?) and no bibliography.
This happens also with other documents i haven't modified but use the same bibliography file. I generated that file with BibDesk.
What could be happening?
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Re: Bibliography

Post by Maksi »

I guess that LyX has problems finding your bibliography file. Did you move any folders or documents lately? Did you update any software lately? If not, what are your settings in LyX? Can you still insert citations in LyX via the citation dialogue?
A Humanities user of LaTeX :)
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