Document ClassesBiblatex citation format

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Biblatex citation format

Post by funkydan2 »


I'm trying to create a biblatex style that will fit with my college's style guide.

The style is very similar to the verbose format, so I've been using that as the template and just fiddling on the edges. My problem comes, however, from the significantly different way that citations and bibliography entries are made.

For example with a book:
Author. Title. Place: Publisher, Year
First Reference
Author, Title (Place: Publisher, Year), Page(s)

From looking at the documentation for Biblatex, it seems that the general setting is for citations to be formatted very similarly to the corresponding bibliography.

Is there any way to redefine my footnote citations without a whole lot of

Code: Select all

if type=book then...if type=article then...
in the cite:full section of my cbx file.


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Joined: Mon Apr 14, 2008 11:21 am

Biblatex citation format

Post by funkydan2 »

I've discovered a CSL XML definition file that almost does what I want ( ... graphy/dev). Are there any tools for Latex that use the CSL bibliography definition?
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