TeXShopAnnoying troubles with Preview Window Position

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Annoying troubles with Preview Window Position

Post by mrotsliah »

I have had Texshop 2.10Beta8 on my Mac for years, and it worked great. I am looking at the preview pdf when I notice something I want to change, when I change it and Typeset it, the pdf shows up at the exact spot where I was looking before I made the change. This made it quick and easy to make changes.

I decided to upgrade to the new release, 2.37. When I Typeset it, the pdf shows up at the same page, but it is at the top of the page, not at the exact spot -- for instance, at the bottom of the page -- where I was looking before I Typeset it. So, I have to scroll down each time I Typeset. This is getting annoying. I looked at the preview tab under preferences, and the settings are the same as they were for the older version.

Is there something I have to change somewhere so that after Typesetting it goes back to the exact spot?


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