Fonts & Character SetsFont installation

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Font installation

Post by krz »

I give up with font installation. I really don't catch an idea of it. I've installed only one font successfully, but it was rather by mistake. I've just put files to directories that had the same name like directories that I downloaded. I tried to follow some guides to understand it but it gave nothing.
Now I'm trying to install dayroman font, but again no idea what to do. I work on mac (Snow Leopard) and don't know if I need to put files only to my local Library or do I need to put some of them to /usr/local/ etc. and vice versa.
When I use "kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFLOCAL" I get this "/usr/local/texlive/2010/../texmf-local". So, I don't know if I had to choose 2010 or texmf-local. If both, I don't know which files to 2010 and which to texmf-local.
When I run updmap-sys I get this "please move this file into an appropriate subdirectory of fonts/map in one of your texmf trees". And problem is again the same. Which subdirectory??
I can see I've just written something like chaos, but believe me that I have the chaos in my directories and mind too.
Can you tell me how to do it just step by step? I really need a guide for dummies.
Thanks for any help.

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Font installation

Post by localghost »

And you certainly followed the instructions from the »ReadMe« file of dayroman. An alternative would be to get the »Day Roman« as True Type Font (TTF), install it on your system and use XeLaTeX.

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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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Re: Font installation

Post by krz »

Yes, I followed it (or rather, try to follow), but, as I wrote in a topic, when I have a path like that in documentation "texmf/fonts/afm/public/dayroman" I don't know if it's in my local Library or in 2010 folder or other. When I see information "put map into your pdftex folder" I don't know which to choose. There is folder pdftex in texmf-var, texmf-dist, texmf-config etc. etc.
It is why I'd like to know - as a beginner - how, for example, pdftex works. Which files put in which folders. Most of informations that I found was "put it into proper folder". And I feel like in a vicious circle. :/
I didn't use XeLaTeX. Maybe it's worth and I think I'll try it, but you know... I don't want to give up with so basic and simply(??) matter like adding fonts. :)
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Font installation

Post by frabjous »

If you're using TeXlive 2010, you should be able to install dayroman with the getnonfreefonts script.

To install them for everyone on your system to use:

Code: Select all

sudo getnonfreefonts-sys -a
For only personal use:

Code: Select all

getnonfreefonts -a
This will install all of them, including dayroman (also arial-urw, classico, eurofont, URW garamond, lettergothic, luximono, vntex-nonfree, and webomints). No need to worry about where they should go. It'll handle that for you. If you only want some, not all, see other options with getnonfreefonts -help.

Font installation is annoying complicated for LaTeX in general, but for open source fonts, you can usually go straight through your TeX distributions package manager. This is slighly more complicated, because these fonts are not completely open source.

If you did want to learn about the TeX Directory Structure (which shouldn't be necessary to solve this problem), look here.
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Re: Font installation

Post by krz »

Thanks for your help. Unfortunatelly I don't have getnonfreefonts package. I looked at /bin folder and couldn't find.
Maybe I shoud use XeLaTeX. I tried it and it worked, but the question is if it has any limitations in comparison with PdfTex?
And thanks for "A Directory Structure". I'll study it.
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Font installation

Post by frabjous »

krz wrote:frabjous,
Thanks for your help. Unfortunatelly I don't have getnonfreefonts package. I looked at /bin folder and couldn't find.
Try the instructions here.
Maybe I shoud use XeLaTeX. I tried it and it worked, but the question is if it has any limitations in comparison with PdfTex?
Some questions at the {TeX} SE site should tell you what you need to know about that:
But in general, I'd say, it you like the output, why not?
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Re: Font installation

Post by krz »

Thanks for instruction. I've installed getnonfreefonts, but getnonfreefonts-sys failed. I got an information "!!! ERROR! The map file `' has not been found at all." even though I could see "Installing ''... [done]" during installation.
So, I run "sudo updmap --syncwithtrees" and nothing. Then I edited config to disable, but coulnd't find it. I'd like to do "put this file into the right place" but don't know how (I couldn't find this file on my HD).
When I try to use dayromam in TeXShop I got this message: "mktexpk: don't know how to create bitmap font for dayrom_x". Can you tell me if it's connected with classicovn problems or is it something else?
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Font installation

Post by frabjous »


Code: Select all

sudo updmap-sys --syncwithtrees
with the -sys after updmap.

Worth a shot, though I have to agree that this is way more complicated than it feels as though it ought to be.
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Re: Font installation

Post by krz »

Unfortunatelly it didn't help. On Monday I'll try to do the same with other computer. I wonder if this problem comes out.
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Re: Font installation

Post by krz »

Nothing, nothing, nothing... The other computer, problem the same. I googled it and found "disable the MAP file fragment in question if still active afterwards", but the question is how. I coulnd't find again and don't know how to disable it.
Have you any ideas?
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