Fonts & Character SetsError when using Calligra font

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Error when using Calligra font

Post by TheChameleon84 »


I am using MacTeX and wish to use the Calligra font. I have confirmed via Tex Live Utility that the calligra package is installed. However, when I try to use it, I get the error:

!pdfTeX error: /usr/local/texlive/2010/bin/x86_64-darwin/pdflatex (file callig15): Font callig15 at 1195 not found

An MWE is provided:

Code: Select all


			\item First point.
			\item Second point.
			\item Third point.
			\item Fourth point.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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Error when using Calligra font

Post by frabjous »

Your sample compiled fine for me (TeXlive 2010 on Arch Linux 64 bit.) I'll attach the output.

A few thoughts.

First, check to make sure the 'fundus' package is also installed.

If that doesn't help, try running 'sudo updmap-sys' from the command line.

Reading through this thread for the OS X TeX mailing list may be useful too:
Installing of calligra

But I really also want to make the following point as well: Calligra is only available as a Type 3 bitmap font. It will look very pixelated on any modern screen, and since you're using beamer, this suggests you are going to use this in a presentation. Even if you get this working, it is going to look horrible.

You can see this already in my attachment if you view it at full resolution.

When giving a presentation, it is all the more important that fonts are easy to read. I would gravitate as much as possible towards sans serif fonts with as little decoration as possible. Calligra is the opposite of what you want.

If you really must use a calligraphic font, consider an alternative one that is not bitmapped, perhaps even using XeLaTeX if need be.
(24.11 KiB) Downloaded 427 times
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