KileKile cannot find .ps files

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Kile cannot find .ps files

Post by rhysy »

I've been trying to install latex on my laptop running Ubuntu. It's almost working, but there are two problems.

1) If I use Kile to compile, it cannot find any postscript files (error is simply "filename not found"). This is a problem because all my figures are in .ps or .eps format. Without any images, everything else looks normal.

2) If I simple compile from the terminal with "latex filename.tex" then all the figures are included and for the most part all the formatting is correct. Unfortunately all of the text is screwed up. For example, the phrase, "Here is some sample text" becomes "Gdqd lr rnl d r`l old swds-" in the dvi file. When converted to a pdf everything is fine (though it can be annoying to have to do this for large documents).

Here is a sample file :

Code: Select all

\usepackage[top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm, left=2.5cm, right=2.5cm]{geometry} 

Here is some sample text.\\

  \subfigure[Here is a sample caption]{\includegraphics[scale=0.28]{Filename}}
\caption{And another one.}

I read through the FAQ and documentation for Kile and found some stuff on using bitmaps and ps but I'm not sure what to make of it. I only need to use .ps files.

It's not really a major problem since compiling from the terminal works, but it would be nice to avoid it.


Last edited by rhysy on Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Kile cannot find .ps files

Post by frabjous »

Is Kile configured to use pdflatex instead of regular latex, perhaps?

If not, it's a bit mysterious, since Kile should just be calling LaTeX, and it's LaTeX's job to find the images; Kile really doesn't have anything to do with it. Does Kile work with any document?

As for the garble in the output, that might be a flaw with your DVI viewer. If you're currently using evince or okular, I recommend trying xdvi instead.
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Kile cannot find .ps files

Post by rhysy »

Is Kile configured to use pdflatex instead of regular latex, perhaps?
Ahh, many thanks. I would not have thought it would give that error...
As for the garble in the output, that might be a flaw with your DVI viewer. If you're currently using evince or okular, I recommend trying xdvi instead.
Right again ! :D Ironically I only installed Okular to try and fix the problem because Kile told me to. :P
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Kile cannot find .ps files

Post by frabjous »

Ahh, many thanks. I would not have thought it would give that error...
Well, since you didn't specify the file extensions, it's looking for files with extensions pdflatex can handle, and not finding any such files, so it tells you it cannot find the files.

Won't be a problem once you upgrade to TeXlive 2010 or later, since then pdflatex will convert eps files to something it can handle automatically. I assume you're still using TeXlive 2009 from your distro's repos?
Right again ! :D Ironically I only installed Okular to try and fix the problem because Kile told me to. :P
Well, Okular is probably the best viewer for PDF files if you're using Kile, since it supports SyncTeX jumps, but the current poppler libraries do pretty poorly with DVI files.
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