I tried to look for a similar problem but could not find any. I hope that anybody with abit more experience can get me abit more insight in how I should be using biblatex with xelatex.
The problem lies somewhere that biblatex does not support UTF-8, a problem that i thought could be circumvented using polyglossia instead. however it's not working and I keep getting the following errors:
Code: Select all
Package csquotes Warning: Using preliminary 'polyglossia' interface.
(csquotes) Some of the multilingual features may not
(csquotes) work as expected.
Code: Select all
Latex warning Citation 'Wu2004' on page 1 undefined on input line 15
Code: Select all
\usepackage[bibstyle=numeric, citestyle=numeric-comp, sorting=none]{biblatex}%this style compresses the numbering
sometext sometextsometextsom
test \citep{Wu2004}