Text Formattingadding tables in the footer

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adding tables in the footer

Post by alihaider82 »


I want to add table in the footer that appaer on every page except on title page.

How can I do so?


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adding tables in the footer

Post by localghost »

Use a package like fancyhdr or titlesec and define an according page style which contains a table in the footer. A visual example of the desired table would be very help for giving more specific help.

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Re: adding tables in the footer

Post by alihaider82 »

I want to add headers and footer like this as I have mentioned in the word file.
Required page style in latex format
(8.21 KiB) Downloaded 460 times
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adding tables in the footer

Post by frabjous »

What exactly are we supposed to do with that xml file? Does Word open that or something? I don't own Word. A screenshot would be more helpful.

Localghost is pointing you in the direction of the solution to your problem. Rather than coming here and giving us a task, show us some evidence that you're trying to solve the problem on your own. Give us a minimal example of code where you're trying to achieve this, but then describe what goes wrong when you try. Otherwise, you're basically just asking strangers to do your homework for you. If you meet us halfway, you're much more likely to get help. See "How to Ask Questions the Smart Way".
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Re: adding tables in the footer

Post by alihaider82 »

here is the *.jpg of the previous *.xml file.

All the pages will follow the same style except title page.
how to make the page style like the pagestyle.JPG.
how to make the page style like the pagestyle.JPG.
pagestyle.JPG (24.71 KiB) Viewed 7638 times
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adding tables in the footer

Post by frabjous »

Perhaps this will get you started.

No doubt additional customizations will be necessary to get this exactly how you need it.

Code: Select all

\title{The Title}
 LOGO & \thetitle & LOGO \\ \hline
 \thetitle & E & F & G & H \\ \hline
 I & J & K & L & Page~\thepage \\ \hline


Body text
The result looks like this:
output.png (6.17 KiB) Viewed 7633 times
You'll want to read the manuals for packages used, like fancyhdr, fancybox, geometry and tabularx so you understand how this works.

P.S. Perhaps I shouldn't say anything, but I did want to mention that I find this layout extremely ugly, and wonder if there's really any reason for it.
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Re: adding tables in the footer

Post by alihaider82 »

I am thankful to you. You have a done a lot for me. I want some changes in the style. I have attached the file.

The table is in the footer and there are two images in the left and right header.

Thanks a lot.
required page style
required page style
pagestyle-new.jpg (10.97 KiB) Viewed 7611 times
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Re: adding tables in the footer

Post by frabjous »

No, you don't seem to get how this works. I was just sending you a starting place. I am not your employee. It is your job to modify it to suit your needs. If you have a concrete question about how to do something, then ask. But at least show us some effort that you're trying to work things out for yourself, and not just trying to get strangers on the internet to do your work for you.
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Re: adding tables in the footer

Post by alihaider82 »

Sorry, I am new to Latex. Actually, I tried a lot to do this but failed every time. I tried to put the images in the header but failed, that,s why I posted my problem on the forum. I did not mean that you will do all for me I am just asking how to do this. I appreciate your effort and your help.

Thanks a lot.
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adding tables in the footer

Post by localghost »

You've got a well-elaborated solution from frabjous for the page layout that you presented first. Now you come up with another layout. With the knowledge of some basics about the tabular(x) environment you should be able to get rid of the table borders in the head. The graphicx package allows to insert external image files where you want them. Please be proactive and don't let others do the complete work for you. This is a discussion forum and not a help desk.

Furthermore you should give proper problem descriptions by a minimal example along with eventually occurring error messaged from the log file. Simply saying that you failed is trivial and not useful for getting closer to a solution.
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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